Sunday, September 27, 2009

What I've Learned This Year

Mr. McClung's "What I've Learned This Year" has given me great insight on what to look forward to in my future career. Being flexible is something many teachers have a hard time adjusting too. As a future teacher this will be one of my main focuses on how I teach. When things don't go as planned we as teachers will need to stay focused and work around these obstacles with smiles as Mr. McClung said.

Mr McClung stated that communication is the best medicine. Teachers need to communicate with other teachers and students to give them the best opportunity to teach effectively. Teachers that communicate with each other can gain more and more knowledge about teaching effectively. Communication is also the best way to resolve problems in the workplace. Communicating with your students is just as important as communicating with fellow teachers. Communicating is a big key to being effective in the classroom.

Mr. McClung made a good point saying that students aren't perfect and neither are we. Many teachers have unrealistic goals set for there children and get frustrated if the students don't accomplish the goals that were set. We as teachers need to set goals for our students, but remember that the students are human and don't always accomplish these goals. If students fail, pick them up and encourage them to do better next time.


Wikipedia is usually the first source that comes up on a search. The NPR article on Wikipedia states that it's usually the first source to come up but it's a free encyclopedia that anyone can edit and it is not fact-checked. I can recall many of my english teachers telling us basically the same statement as the article states. Many of my teachers have said not to use Wikipedia as a source for papers and projects and some have said if you do choose to use Wikipedia you will get a automatic failing grade.

The example they used about walmart shows how unreliable Wikipedia really is. Common since should tell you that wages at Walmart aren't 20 percent less than other stores. Many companies such as Walmart and Diebold have been known to change information just to make their companies look a little better. All of this information shows why many teachers will not except projects and papers with information used as sources from Wikipedia. In my opinion Wikipedia is based off of false information that comes from other peoples opinions.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch’s video was pretty interesting. To be honest, I was really dreading having to watch an hour long video, but it actually wasn’t that bad. Randy’s last lecture is about his childhood dreams, enabling dreams of others, and what you can learn from these dreams. He talked about some interesting aspects of his life and stated how dreams can come true if you work hard enough. He also showed how his dream of playing in the NFL didn’t come true, but the football experience made a difference in his life. He is basically trying to say that even if some dreams don’t come true the effort put out can make a change in your life.

One of the important methods Randy talked about was the significance of enabling others childhood dreams. Helping other people’s dreams come true can often be more important than making your own dreams come true. If we help students dreams come true we can have a huge impact on their lives. As future teachers we will be there to help students learn new things and possibly help their dreams come true. My dream has always been to become a teacher just like my parents are. Now it is coming true and I will have the chance to help other individual’s dreams come true.

Randy Pausch also used a brick wall as an example. He stated that you shouldn’t look at a brick wall as a wall that you can’t get through, but look at it as something you have to work for to get around. Let the brick wall be proof of how badly you want something. This example is a perfect way to teach children to keep trying and never give up. As teachers we need to use examples like this to teach students that every opportunity they get they need to take advantage and learn from it.

Randy Pausch’s last lecture is a lecture on the importance of childhood dreams and making those dreams possible. He made it clear that even if some dreams don’t come true that they can still be helpful in life as long as you work hard at what you’re trying to accomplish. We as future teachers should take this advice and translate it to the class rooms when we have the chance to change many young individuals’ lives.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?

It’s not exactly okay to be a technologically illiterate teacher. I believe that some teachers will have their strengths and weaknesses using new technology, but all teachers should be able to use a computer efficiently to help teach students. I like the statement he made about teachers that are not technologically literate and are unwilling to make and effort to learn is equal to the teachers 30 years ago who didn’t know how to read and write. Everybody that is going to college this day and time has the opportunity to learn about computers and be somewhat technologically literate.
I believe as future educators we should be ready to learn at all times. If you’re not willing to learn new advances then this is not the job for you. Every year new tools are made to help with the way teachers teach their students. Ten years ago computers were rarely used in the classroom and now it’s the way to go. Most of us will teach for 25 to 30 years before retiring. Just think where technology will be at that point. That’s why every one of us should be willing to learn day in and day out.

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Not About The Technology

I agree with everything Mrs. Hines stated. Teachers have to be ready to learn new things ever year about new technological advances. My dad has been teaching for 31 one years and he’s had to learn how to teach in an entirely different way. When he first starting teaching they didn’t use computers and now that’s the way teachers keep the role, grades, and it’s the way most teachers teach class.
Technology is definitely useless without good teaching. Many teachers have smart boards in their classrooms, but they don’t use them the way they were made to be used. Some teachers use them just like they would use a chalk board or a black board. These teachers are wasting a lot of school funds because they are not willing to take the time to learn how to properly use the smart boards to get the most out of them. I’m glad I am taking this EDM 310 class because it has already showed me how important it is to take the time to learn as much as possible about new technology.

A Vision of Students Today

I would have to say this video shows what most college students experience. By the time I finally graduate I’ll be twenty to thirty thousand dollars in debt. I definitely buy text books that have cost a hundred dollars or more and never used them. One person held up a sign that said “her classmate paid for her tuition but never comes.” This has been the case for many of my classmates in the past. When I first started school many students would just show up for the test. I’m not currently taking classes that I will never use, but in the past I have.
It’s crazy to hear that people are going to school and don’t even know if they will have a job that even exist at this time. Technology has added many jobs to the world, but it has also taken many jobs away and as a result many of the older individuals are having trouble finding jobs that they have experience in.
I personally don’t have facebook, but I do notice people get on facebook during classes instead of paying attention to the instructor and students often bring their laptops just to have something to do during class. If I have to pay for tuition and books I believe I want to be paying attention to what the instructor is doing. I am guilty of trying to do homework at my house and find myself talking on my cell phone or reading something about sports on the internet, but I try my best to use my time wisely in the classroom.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I visited with 3rd graders. I thought they did a great job with their podcast. I liked how they researched the endangered species of Florida. Knowing some of the endangered species is a good thing for kids to learn about. They learned specific details on why some of the species were endangered and they learned about these animals natural habitats. These kids were giving everybody a heads up on how to keep these animals from becoming extinct. In my opinion the 3rd graders did an excellent job on their research and the way these podcast were done. I will have to say that they did a good job at getting the attention of their audience. To me that’s really important when doing these podcast.
Like I said above, I learned to how important it is to get the attention of your audience. Keep them satisfied and don’t make it to dull. I learned that by using sounds effects at the right time can keep the audience focused or at least the 3rd graders certainly kept my eyes appealed. Basically everything in your podcast needs to go as smooth as possible and keep it interesting. Overall I believe I got more from this website than any of the others we have done so far.

My Life (Presentation)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Next Generation

The video shows just how far the world has come in the past decade. I’ve only been out of school for three years and technology has already changed drastically. I remember my teachers writing on the chalk boards and black boards and it was really slow compared to what teachers are able to do today. These smart boards keep the kids from getting to terribly bored and they help everyone stay concentrated including the teacher.
The wii is a good hands-on activity that can help students concentrate and have fun, but students still need to get outside and do activities. These games are not going to keep kids physically fit. This is probably the biggest problem with some of the new technology. When I was in elementary and middle school we went outside everyday to play kickball, football, or some other sport. These types of activities kept us healthy and we did not want to stay inside and be lazy and play video games all day long. I believe that the wii and other technological advances should be used to help students with their hand eye coordination and concentration, but they don’t need to be over used to an extent where children don’t do outdoor activities.


Overall the videocast was pretty good giving the circumstances. The topic was kind of boring, but they did a good job discussing if teachers should be technologically literate. The students looked like they didn’t want to be in the room doing the videocast. I would make an attempt to have a little bit of fun while doing the videocast just to keep the viewers interested. After watching this video for a couple of minutes, it got rather dull to me. The topic was probably the main reason this video wasn’t as interesting as it could have been. I also noticed that they were not equally involved in the videocast. I would try to get everyone involved as equally as possible in my videocast. Even though it was on the dull side I’ll give it a B plus.